Alerting You in Case of Emergency Notification Methods

We may use any (but not necessarily all) of the following means of notifying affected and/or interested parties of a developing situation. (Click here to view Westmont's Timely Warning policy, in compliance with the federal Clery Act requirements.) If you receive an alert, tell others around you! System limitations may prevent the message from reaching all intended recipients.

Method Via Comment
(ie, this page; or
You may wish to bookmark this. It can also be reached via the link at the bottom of most Westmont website pages.
Hotline 888-565-7911 Call this number for periodic updates.
Call affecting you & Call about you Your cell #
Your emergency contact #
In order to reach you or your Emergency Contact you must provide us with these numbers upon registration for each semester..
Email addresses Current students and/or employees only
Text Message Your cell # Text messages are notoriously unreliable in emergency situations, and must be regarded as a supplemental means of communicating.
Twitter We recommend you "follow" this account.
Facebook We recommend you "like" this account.
Notification Service Text-to-Speech messages:888-565-7911
Text messages will come from various numbers.
Enter this number in your cellphone contact list as "Westmont Alert" so you'll recognize it when an urgent notification is issued.
American Red Cross Safe & Well Westmont plans to post student status in batch mode if/as possible. However, students and employees are encouraged to post their status individually.
Word-of-mouth Messengers in campus buildings Sometimes low-tech is the ideal option.