Michelle Hughes, Ed.D.

Porter Center #2
Thursdays 1-4p.m. in Porter Center and always by appointment.
Educational Leadership, Secondary Education, Professional Teaching Dispositions
Michelle Hughes earned a doctorate in education from George Fox University. She is a veteran educator who earned an English degree and teaching credential from Westmont College and a masters in Educational Leadership from California State Northridge. She taught junior high school English and served as a high school administrator. Since 2009, Michelle has embraced sharing her passion for the teaching profession and K-12 education with Westmont students and the larger Santa Barbara community. She embraces the challenge of equipping students to serve and put their faith into action in public and private schools. Michelle's co-edited book, Joyful Resilience as Educational Practice was published in 2022; she continues researching and writing about professional teaching dispositions demonstrating the significance of linking the head and heart in teaching.